Those are some of Levi’s favorite moments. There are times Levi and Floyd change into their water forms and swim around with Henry.After that incident, your boyfriend starts respecting him, but sometimes, Floyd wants to push Levi’s limits just so he can see Lotan again.Thankfully for him, Floyd defuses the situation by saying Levi is super strong and how cool Lotan is. Levi accidentally summons Lotan and floods the house, angering all his brothers.How did Floyd turn into an eel? How did he get into his room? How did he get into the tank? Most of all, Levi can’t believe Henry likes Floyd.

One day, Levi walks into his room and sees your boyfriend swimming with Henry, and his heart nearly fails.He really hates being the eel’s soft target. His dislike gets stronger when he learns (firsthand) that Floyd likes to tease.Similar to Mammon, Levi initially doesn’t like your boyfriend and thinks Floyd will steal you away from him.Also thinks Lotan is the coolest sea creature he has ever seen. Feels a strong connection to Levi since they are both creatures of the sea.That’s his way of showing he finds Levi amusing. But honestly, Floyd doesn’t mean any harm.He likes to tease Levi the most - from always wearing headphones around his neck to stuttering when nervous to likes games to being an otaku.After hearing that, Mammon likes Floyd even more than before.“Why should I give ya a new name? You wanna know why I call you a clown? A clown gives himself pain and takes away the pain of others by makin’ them laugh.He dislikes Floyd calling him a Clownfish and tells your boyfriend to give him a different name.Whenever Lucifer hangs Mammon from the ceiling, Floyd doesn’t stop laughing and teasing the second brother.The more time Mammon spends with Floyd, the more he likes him, but why does the eel have to laugh at his misfortunes?.How dare someone try to take his beloved friend away from him? Doesn’t like Floyd at the beginning only because he is YOUR boyfriend.