The weird stuff, the violent stuff, the kinky stuff - not really my bag so I wouldn't publish that but everybody got to find their own niche. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with porn. That also makes me wonder, does working on something like subverse as an artist affect your employment at other companies that have a problem with their um content.

Like officially it sure looks good to say that, even though many games border on it, maybe they're more afraid of lawsuits and the associated costs of litigation should someone take offence. Like I doubt any of them enjoy the job so much that they want to do TED talks about it, and MindGeek does have some pretty good reviews on glassdoor regardless of the job duties but this kind of throws that logic on its head. Many of them for years now, since it pays the bills. I mean he eventually left since he couldn't take it anymore and doesn't mention the stint on his linkedin, but they're still there. (since they have to filter that stuff out) Many of these women have familes to go back to, and their job involves effectively watching porn as QA testers, sometimes horrifying violent and illegal porn. The reason being that in Montreal its difficult to get work if you don't know french for some jobs and skill levels which is a problem many immigrants face on arrival. See that's what I don't get, a guy I know used to work at the MindGeek officers here in Montreal, and most of his coworkers were women, usually Indian and Muslim women. Hence I reckon, not really difficult to reason why an industry radio silence, which given over recent years the push for increased female participation across the board would I think be quite obvious!? of course sex sells and dev statements such as ".banging your team members" leaves little to the imagination as too their targeted demographic.or indeed default art style that particular player segment adheres towards.